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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation in a television address on May 12, 2020. The PM urged India to become more self suffiecient and also announced a new economic package and lockdown 4.0. Here are the key highlights:

•    The world has been fighting the Corona virus for 4 months now. 

•    More than 42 lakh people have been affected by the virus and close to three lakh people have died.

•    India has also lost many people due to the virus. One virus has been able to turn life upside down. 

•    Many lives are at stake worldwide. The whole world is trying to win this war of saving lives. This is an unprecedented situation for everyone. For the human race all this is surreal. But we cannot lose hope or accept defeat. It is important to go forward while taking all precautions. We need to stay determined. 

•    The 21st century has been identified as India’s century. We have been given time to understand and analyze the pandemic as well as the happenings around the world. 

•    The 21st century is India’s century. This should not be dream but a responsibility. 

•    The world’s state shows us only one path: a self-sufficient India. 

•    We are at an important time in our nation’s history. When the virus started, India had no PPE kit manufacturing and N95 masks were hardly used. But now, in India there is manufacturing of 2 lakh PPE kits and N95 masks. 

•    We have been able to change the disaster into an opportunity. We have become more self-sufficient. The way the world views India is a ray of hope. Our culture and values also talk about self-sufficiency. 

•    We believe in harmony and good for the whole world. We see them as our family and see the earth as our motherland. India’s progress has always taken world’s progress into consideration. 

•    ISA was our gift to the world against global warming. Similarly, our medicines have saved many lives across the world. 

•    We have gained many laurels from the world and we should be proud of it. The world now believes in us.

•    130 crore Indians need to come together to make India self-sufficient. 

•    During Y2K, Indian technology experts helped the world get out of it.

•    We need to make the best products, better our quality and make the supply chain stronger. 

•    After the Kutch earthquake, the situation was devastating, however we got up and moved forward. Nothing is impossible. We have the will and the way. We can become self-sufficient. 

•    The 5 pillars of self-sufficiency:
1.    Economy: An economy which is does not focus on incremental change but quantum change
2.    Infrastructure: An infrastructure which is the face of new India
3.    System: A system that does not look at the past but is driven by 21st century technology
4.    Demography: The vibrant demography of the biggest democracy 
5.    Demand: The circle and strength of demand and supply chain to be fully utilized. To increase the demand and strengthen the supply chain, we need the support of all stakeholders.

•    An important link of self-sufficient India during the pandemic is an economic stimulus.

•    India will have an economic package of INR 20 lakh crore including those announced earlier which accounts for 10% of India’s GDP. 

•    20 lakhs in 2020, for self sufficient India. The package will include provisions for land, labor liquidity and laws. The economic package is for each taxpayer, downtrodden, kisan etc. 

•    Starting from tomorrow, the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan package will be announced in more detail.

•    Our reforms in the past 6 years have made India achieve this position. The entire money is reaching the pockets of the poor even in this situation through the JAM trinity. 

•    The reforms will have provisions for the whole agricultural supply chain, rational tax system, easy laws, infrastructure, human resources, strong financial system, business, investments and will also make ‘Make in India’ stronger.

•    All sectors will become more efficient and have better quality. 

•    This pandemic has shaken the core of many big organizations and nations.  This has made us witness the power and strength of many people in India specially the daily wage laborer.

•    Important to take steps for their situation and help them. The economic package will have provisions for the daily wage laborer as well.

•    Local manufacturing, local market and local supply chain is important. That’s what has saved us and fulfilled our demands. It is not just a need but a responsibility. Local should become our way of life. ‘Local ke liye Vocal’ should be our new way. Not only buy them but use them with pride.

•    The global brands started out as local brands. They reached such heights because they were used, marketed, and branded correctly by their people.

•    In very less time, khadi and handloom has reached record demands and made it into a big brand. 

•    Experts and scientists predict that corona is here to stay for a long time. But we cannot let our lives revolve around it. We will wear masks and maintain social distancing. 

•    Lockdown 4.0 will be announced before May 18, 2020 and will be introduced with new rules and regulations after taking into account the suggestions from states.

•    21st century can become our century only with self-sufficiency and will be powered by each one of us Indian and our strong intent. We should move ahead with renewed hope and energy. We can make a self-sufficient India and we will!

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