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One of the key priorities of the Indian government in Budget 2022-2023 is inclusive development. The Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman reinstated the importance of women led development, one of the important pillars of inclusive development. Reinstating the power of Nari Shakti, the minister mentioned the initiatives launched by the Ministry of women and child development.

The four initiatives - Mission Shakti, Mission Vatsalya, Poshan 2.0 and Saksham Anganwadi aim to revamp existing women and child related schemes functioning in silos. The new mission mode approach is bound to improve the current implementation challenges and poor visibility of the schemes. The focus will also be on improved quality of service, capacity building of functionaries at ground level and avoiding duplication in initiatives.  

Technology enabled initiatives, such as ‘new age saksham anganwadis’, can prove to be instrumental  in improving the operational mechanisms. There will be expansion of institutional capacity by establishment of care institutes like shakti sadans, working women hostels, creches to ensure safety and well-being of women. Further, new policies and enforceable legislation will be adopted to promote gender equality.