The Prime Minister's Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PMSTIAC) and Waste to Wealth team at Invest India hosted the Department of Biotechnology: Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council's (DBT BIRAC) SPARSH (Social innovation program for Products: Affordable and Relevant to Societal Health) fellows at Invest India office.
These fellows from the Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (FITT, IIT) were apprised of the initiatives by the waste to wealth mission and the challenges faced during implementation on the ground. An immersion visits to the Decentralized Waste Management Technology Park, Jafrabad, East Delhi, was also conducted for the fellows.
The fellows are stepping into social entrepreneurship in the Waste to Wealth segment. From this visit, they gained insights into how the waste is collected and how different technologies are deployed collectively as a decentralized solution for processing waste locally so that minimal waste is sent to landfill sites.