As the Accelerating Growth of New India's Innovations (AGNIi) Mission embarks on a journey of new beginnings, the team has undertaken renewed efforts to understand and establish its presence in India's innovation ecosystem. AGNIi embarked on a visit to Bangalore with the objectives of:
- Advancing innovation practice: This visit allowed AGNIi to identify best practices in the innovation management ecosystem by understanding the relevant technologies and partner networks.
- Strengthening partnerships and building an innovation network: As the AGNIi Mission met partners such as Technology Business Incubator Indian Institute of Science (TBI IISc), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Technology Park Indian Institute of Science (ARTPark IISc), and Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (CCAMP), it will allow us to establish new relationships and strengthen the previous partnerships.
- Building innovation portfolio: Since India's innovation capabilities are evolving with time, meeting these partners enabled AGNIi to develop emerging technologies' innovation portfolios further. This portfolio of technologies will support advancing AGNIi's new mandate and mapping various technology providers from different geographical locations.
AGNIi attended the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Technology Transfer Conclave, where they met with various space sector stakeholders and ISRO research centres scientists. The discussions resulted in a strengthened partnership that will lay the groundwork for helping bring their nascent innovations to market.
The AGNIi team met with Mach33 Aero's management to explore advances in the space sector. Mach33 Aero is a defence and aerospace incubator. The AGNIi team learned about the Space Tech portfolio and talked about holding roundtables to facilitate wider adoption.
AGNIi met with the director and members of Saankhya Labs regarding their products, their engagements with various government agencies and how the collaboration between Saankhya and AGNIi Mission could be furthered.
AGNIi Mission members met with members of Indian Institute of Science Society for Innovation and Development (IISc SID) to deepen AGNIi's innovation practice. The team also visited their labs to understand their capabilities.
The AGNIi team was hosted by ARTPark to discuss the landscape of AI innovation in the country and to shed light on recent developments under their aegis. The team discussed the latest developments and trends in the AI sector and how to increase the country's innovation adoption rate.
AGNIi met with Tsalla Aerospace, a drone startup. The meeting was regarding how their technology could be used for several of the use cases identified by the AGNIi Mission.
AGNIi interacted with the startups of C-CAMP and elaborated on the AGNIi mission. The team toured the campus to gather insights into the research facilities available and discuss collaboration opportunities.
The AGNIi Mission will continue its interactions with India's innovation ecosystem as we work on launching new initiatives to empower Indian innovation. These field visits will serve as a critical foundation for the ambitious efforts the AGNIi Mission will undertake to advance the interests of Indian innovation.